VertiSource HR | HRIS and HR Outsourcing

Upgrade Your HRIS and Get Rid of the Silos

Upgrade Your HR Software to Get Rid of the Silos | VertiSource HR

VertiSource HR’s Human Resource Information System (HRIS Cloud) is an industry-leading HR management package offering all the most critical functions in a cloud-based environment. We believe that it is a model for the type of HRIS software nearly every business in America could benefit from. If you need a reason to consider taking a look at it, look no further than your current silos.

It has been our experience that companies whose last investment in HR software was more than seven or eight years ago are now working with outdated systems that rely on separate environments for onboarding, payroll, HR data management, and benefits administration. It is a siloed approach whose time has long since passed. Upgrading to a modern HRIS means getting rid of those silos in favor of a much more efficient and centralized solution.

Good Enough for Their Time

There is no arguing that siloed solutions were good enough for their time, a time when cloud computing was still maturing. But cloud maturation has arrived. In fact, the cloud is THE place for data-intense applications – including HR software. Best of all, software hosted in the cloud is fully integrated. There is no need for separate solutions for payroll, onboarding, etc.

Continuing with old software reduces HR efficiency. It also reduces the ability to create a conducive data management environment. On a more serious note, old and outdated HR software is more prone to errors and at a higher risk of security breaches. That alone should be enough motivation to upgrade your software with a secure and reliable cloud solution.

Data Access and Reporting

Even if your siloed solutions are completely secure and up to date enough to avoid costly errors, there is something else to consider: data access and reporting. A cloud-based solution incorporates all your data in a centralized location that is accessible from nearly anywhere. Why? Because the software is not hosted on your local network. It is in the cloud. Anyone with access credentials can get into the system even if they are not in the office.

This is ideal when remote work is necessary. It is also ideal for managers and senior level executives who may need access to HR information while off-site. As for reporting, all the necessary data is at your fingertips. Create all sorts of reports consisting of data generated in real time.

Thanks to cloud security, you can also control access to every aspect of your HRIS. Using credentials and role-based controls, you can tightly manage who has access to each area of the system. Your cloud environment is much more secure as a result.

It Scales With You

You have probably noticed that siloed software solutions do not scale very easily. Upgrading one because it is no longer adequate means upgrading the rest as well. But each of your solutions may not scale proportionally. You could be left with a system that is clunky, difficult to use, and creates more problems than it solves.

An HRIS based in the cloud completely eliminates the scalability issue. Cloud-based software scales with you by design. It is built that way. As your business grows, your HRIS grows with it. You never miss a heartbeat in terms of functionality and security.

Maintaining separate software solutions for multiple HR functions used to be the way to go. It is no longer. Modern business runs in the cloud. Likewise, cloud based HRIS solutions are far better than their siloed counterparts. If you find that your old software is no longer getting the job done, consider getting rid of those silos by upgrading.